Angel Oracle Divination Deck and Guidebook Story

 Let me tell you about my deck. I am a trained artist who studied still life painting, and my heart always wanted to color outside the lines. I have spent many hours doodling in notebooks, sketchbooks, on junk mail, pretty much any paper I could find, drawing and adding words and creating unusual images. When I heard I could install some large drawings inside a storefront in Seattle, I set myself to making large scale drawings that would fill up the space. Then 2020 and covid happened, but I had already begun drawing large, and life took me by surprise as I kept making one large drawing after another. This became a healing process for me as I lived in Seattle and worked in my studio and in my home apartment. The barn door at the apartment was perfect as it was 4 feet wide, so I taped up the paper and worked slowly on each piece until they told me they were done. As I listened to podcasts, music, my thoughts, the song lyrics and messages from podcasters made it onto the pages. I had so much fun making these images, and in making them I was provided a deep healing as I worked to remain positive and soulful in the midst of the drama of the 2020-ish time. I thought, "why should they only live in one place, on one drawing?"  The original art pieces are 6 feet tall and 4 feet wide! So I decided to make a deck of divination cards and bring the profound healing that I received while making them to anyone who came across the deck.Consider how amazing it will be to have 78 images in a box, along with words to ponder. 

 The boxed set is a bespoke deck of only 500 cards. Each card deck will come with a signed and numbered card by me, artist D.Lisa. The deck may be used as a traditional tarot deck, or as a daily guide to heal you and get guidance from your higher self and guides and angels. I I call these images my angels. As I made them, I thought, "what do angels look like?" How do they help us? Do they have wings? 

 For each card, there is an accompanying book entry that leads the reader through a beautiful portal where one can embark on a journey of self-discovery and connection with the unseen. The cards are not confined to the physical realm but extend into the metaphysical, encouraging users to tap into their intuition and embrace the wisdom that flows through the cards.

 These cards are a sacred tool. Transcend time and space, look into the mystic. Receive divine guidance, inspiration, and connect to your soul self. Dance with the angels. Choose one to inspire you to make a touch decision or just settle your mind.

Guide Your Soul Self


Artist Made

A woman I love, who cleans homes and businesses for a living asked me if she could choose a card the other day. She pulled cleanliness, and the surprise on her face was epic. "Is this magic?", she asked.

These cards are a sacred tool. Transcend time and space, look into the mystic. Receive divine guidance, inspiration, and connect to your soul self. Dance with the angels. My family used these as a tool, picking a card per day with their children, something to ponder and consider as the day moves along.

The Creative Process

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